Every marathon starts with a single step! The beginning I've been learning to program when I entered University, where we learned the basics: loops, variables, arrays, if/else, literally nothing but the basics. My first programming language was MatLab, which is commonly used in the engineering field. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MATLAB#/media/File:Matlab_Logo.png But a sad thing is that the lessons didn't start in a meaningful way... I had never seen a line of code before and, to see such a nonsense thing at first view was absolutely frustrating. I had no idea why I was typing what I was typing and what that code would do. Funny thing: I remember always confusing the letter i with the number 1, which always led me intro trouble and not being able to make my script run. Even though it was a hard beginning, I definitely saw a lot of possibilities and usages to that new skill that I've been shown. Programming is absolutely a powerful tool to create sof...